Boil your Eggs hard, and take out a good many of the Yolks whole; then cut the rest in Quarters, Yolks and Whites together; set on some Gravy, with a little shred Thyme and Parsley in it, and give it a Boil or two; then put in your Eggs, with a little grated Nutmeg; shake it up with a Bit of Butter, till it be as thick as another Fricassy; then fry Artichoke Bottoms in thin Slices, and serve it up. Garnish with Eggs shred small.
Frikassierte Eier (Eierfrikassee)
Gemüse & Eier:Hauptzutaten: Artischocken, Bratensaft, Butter, Eier, Muskatnuss, Petersilie, Thymian
Marlene Ernst
Marlene Ernst (Transkription): "To Fricassy Eggs", in: Mrs. Eales Compleat Confectioner (1718-1742), Teil 2, S. 014,
online unter: https://www.historische-esskultur.at/rezeptforschung/?rdb_rezepte=to-fricassy-eggs (22.11.2024).
Datenbankeintrag erstellt von Marlene Ernst.