Cut thin Collops off from a Fillet of Veal, and hack them; then take the Yolks of four Eggs beat, a little melted Butter, a little Salt and some Nutmeg, or grated Lemon Peel; then dip in each Collop, and lay them on a Pewter Dish, flour them, and let them lie till you want them. Put a Bit of Butter in the Frying Pan, and fry your Collops quick, shaking them all the time to keep the Butter from oiling; then pour it into a Stew-pan close covered, and keep it warm; then put some Gravy to them, some Mushrooms (or what you like best) and a Bit of Butter; toss it up thick, and squeeze an Orange over it.
Scotch Collops (Frittiertes/Gebackenes Kalbsfaschiertes)
Fleisch & Geflügel:Hauptzutaten: Bratensaft, Butter, Dotter (Eigelb), Kalbsfilet, Mehl, Muskatnuss, Orangen (Pomeranzen), Pilze, Salz, Zitronenschalen (Zesten)
Marlene Ernst
Marlene Ernst (Transkription): "To make Scotch Collops", in: Mrs. Eales Compleat Confectioner (1718-1742), Teil 2, S. 011,
online unter: https://www.historische-esskultur.at/rezeptforschung/?rdb_rezepte=to-make-scotch-collops (22.11.2024).
Datenbankeintrag erstellt von Marlene Ernst.