Take Cucumbers of the same Bigness that you wou’d to pickle; pick them fresh, green, and free from Spots; boil them in Water ’till they are tender; then run a Knitting-needle through them the long Way, and scrape off all Roughness; then green them, which is done thus: Let your Water be ready to boil, take it off, and put in a good Piece of Roach-Allum; set it on the Fire, and put in the Cucumbers; cover them close ’till you see they look green; weigh them, and take their Weight in single-refin’d Sugar clarify’d; to a Pound of Sugar put a Pint of Water; put your Cucumbers in; boil them a little close-cover’d; set them by, and boil them a little every Day for four Days; then take them out of your Syrup, and make a Syrup of double-refin’d Sugar, a Pound of Sugar and half a Pint of Water to every Pound of Cucumbers; put in your Cucumbers, and boil them ’till they are clear; then put in the Juice of two or three Lemmons, and a little Orange-flower-water, and give them a Boil altogether: You may either lay them out to dry, or keep them in Syrup; but every Time you take any out, make the other scalding hot, and they will keep two or three Years.
Eingelegte Gurken (süß)
Gemüse & Eier:Hauptzutaten: Alaun, Gurken, Orangenblütenwasser, Wasser, Zitronensaft, Zucker
Marlene Ernst
Marlene Ernst (Transkription): "To preserve Cucumbers", in: Mrs. Eales Compleat Confectioner (1718-1742), S. 037,
online unter: https://www.historische-esskultur.at/rezeptforschung/?rdb_rezepte=to-preserve-cucumbers (22.11.2024).
Datenbankeintrag erstellt von Marlene Ernst.