To Stew Herrings

Aus: Mrs. Eales Compleat Confectioner (1718-1742), Teil 2, S. 009


First broil them very brown; then have some White Wine ready made hot, with an Anchovy, a Blade of Mace, and a Bit of Onion, with a little Pepper, all stewed n the Wine; then cut off the Heads of the Fish, and bruise them in the Wine and Spice, and take them out again before you put in your Herrings. Let them stew over Coals, in a Dish where they may lie at Length; let them stew on both Sides till they are enough at the Bone; take them out, and shake up the Sauce with Butter and Flour.


Gedünstete Herringe


Marlene Ernst

Marlene Ernst (Transkription): "To Stew Herrings", in: Mrs. Eales Compleat Confectioner (1718-1742), Teil 2, S. 009,
online unter: (18.10.2024).

Datenbankeintrag erstellt von Marlene Ernst.